Sunday, November 18, 2007

Home Again, home again, jiggity jig

Well, I am home from NC. The weather was great for the most of the week. We ran into rain in PA on the way down last Saturday......then again I do not remember going through PA when it was not either raining, snowing, or backed up with construction. Anyway, we spent most of the week in shirt sleeves. Friday it was cool and rainy but not cool by NY standards. Saturday night on the way home, Wm. said is that snow on the ground when we came through Tully. I said I am sure it must just be frost. His remark was since when do we get 4 inches of frost! Snow? Can't be snow yet?!!!! Must be just because of the hills in Tully but when we got to Baldwinsville and Wm. had to shovel a path across the back deck so we could get in, the realization set in that indeed it was snow! I shall try not to whine as we have had fantastic summer and fall and it is, after all, NY.

Morrigan goes to school all year round but she was on her track out (3 week period off school which she spends at the Y.) Monday was a holiday so the school and Y were both closed and Morrigan spent the day with us. We went to the discount fabric store and then she wanted to go to McDonald's for lunch, something she is not in the habit of doing.

Gramma and Grampa with Morrigan and Max

Morrigan Liliana

Grampa and Max

Our plan was for Wm. to put down a new laminate tile floor in the kitchen but when he and Jon went to purchase the tiles, they found it was special order so needless to say, the floor did not get done. We did get some material and covered the headboard in the guest room to match the new comforter we got them for Christmas. We purchased enough material to make matching valances for the windows. Another glitch came when the sewing machine would not work. Jon had taken a day off work to help Wm. with the floor and because that was not happening, we spent the day trying to get the sewing machine to work. I ended up bringing home the material and will mail the finished valances back down.

Jon and Donna took us to Red Lobster for Wm. birthday (OK, so Red Lobster is my favorite, he is flexible) Friday we went to lunch with Donna's parents. Morrigan is spelling everything, the way Lael is and Max is as much a mama's boy as Lauren is a mama's girl. We had a wonderful time in NC; but I am glad to be home for a little while anyway, Thanksgiving we are going to Canton to have dinner with Josh, Jackie and three of the most beautiful girls in NNY.


sam said...

Great pictures! Do all your grandchildren have dimples?

So glad you had such a nice visit and are now home safely, even if there is snow on the ground.

Yes, the Imitrex worked. I just don't usually use it. My migraines are the very annoying but not debilitating kind. They last for about three days and I can manage them with Excedrin. However, every so often I get one like yesterdays. (Although it is back, albeit not as severe, today.) I hate taking any medication because it invariably messes with my stomach. Oh well, as I said, yesterday's was a doozey.

Yes, I did do those things. I forced myself. My natural predisposition is to be up all night and sleep in. However I did learn, from my time in the North Country and having no window coverings, that not using light blocking shades/blinds helps me wake up much nicer. I don't necessarily like this time of the year, when it doesn't get light until 7:00 a.m., for just that reason. Oh well...

I guess I should've just e-mailed you. :)

Amanda Wheeler said...

Looks like a fun trip! I would love to go to NC, it's snowing here in Maine.

Happy Thanksgiving!