Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm a little teapot

:: I have a teapot collection. No, I didn't decide to become a collector, I just had a few from my mother, my grandmothers, and my aunt. I had them in a hutch in Canton and when people got to know me, the would bring me new and unusual teapots. I must be up to about 18+ now. When we moved to this house, there was no place to put the hutch. I was at a loss as to what to do with my teapots. I found that I had room enough for 12 to sit on top of the kitchen cabinets. Only 12, well that would be OK, I could rotate from the collection and still have a nice display. Lately, I have been regretting that I was able to fit 12 up there. No, they look great. The problem is that I had been teaching Matty some of the songs like "itsy, bitsy spider", "pat a cake" and yes, I'm a little teapot. You guessed it! Now every time we go into the kitchen, I have to "do" I' a little teapot with each of the 12 pots. Now, who is the smart one in this picture?????? certainly not Gramma. But he does love it and laughs and does the actions himself now.

:: Certainly looked like my girls had a wonderful time at the water park in Canada yesterday. There are pictures on the flickr and/or Jackie's blog. I do miss them so. I can not wait until next week when we come for the wedding so I can see them if only for a little while.

:: We have been rethinking the trip to NC. Yes, we are still going.......with both the new baby and Morrigan's birthday we really have no choice but to go and we would not want to miss either anyway! What we decided is that with Max being only a few days old, Donna's parents and family being there, not to mention Morrigan's birthday party, that it may be a bit too hectic to take Matty along this time. We have decided to stay only 4 days (remember I said that fish and house guests both start to stink after 5 days). Morrigan really wanted Grampa to come down for her birthday, he has never missed one until now. However, this job is not like the others he has had. He used up his vacation and taking time off, even without pay, is frowned upon. Personal days......surely you jest......not here!

"Got anymore chocolate pudding left, Gramma?"


Dawn Mattice said...

Cute photo and I think it's hilarious that Matty makes you sing that song every time you go into the kitchen now...makes me want to add to your collection. LOL :)

Dawn Mattice said...

Thank you for that comment about last night...that's just the kind of thng I need to hear/be reminded of right now. God Bless!!

Dawn Mattice said...

Don't worry, I like getting comments from the internet therapist LOL As for how my students know, when they ask me questions about my life I am fairly honest (though not detailed) and share with them because I do not see how I can be a good role model without sharing some of the struggles in my own life and how God is working through them in me...does that make sense?