Thursday, July 05, 2007


Yesterday we had planned to go to the Amish Market near Seneca Falls. With the rain we got yesterday we decided this was not wisdom. We ended up going to get Uncle Roy (who wanted to go the Amish Market) and went to the Fingerlakes Mall in Auburn. They (Amish Market) have a small store in the mall with some small furniture, signs and homemade fudge as well as bonnets, aprons, etc.

I mentioned before that our 33rd anniversary is 7/12 . Not sure I mentioned here that I wanted a new wedding band. Now I have had 2 diamonds and lost the setting out of both, as well as a pearl ring with diamonds on each side. Lost the setting out of that also. My wedding ring was a wide gold band but my arthritis is getting bad and is causing my hand to become somewhat deformed; ie, large knuckles, etc and I had visions my wedding ring having to be cut off. I finally took the time to work it off my finger (not an easy task) Anyway, I said all that to say my DH got me a new wedding band yesterday for my anniversay.

Matthew was back today. He was not happy that it rained off and on and we could not go outside. His rash is much improved which leads me think it must be something here and not at his own house that is causing it. I thought it was strawbwerries but then he does not have them everyday here. The only thing I could think of that he had everyday was the cranberry raspberry juice. I called Jackie to see if she thought that was enough to cause the rash.
She suggested I keep a journal of what he eats while he is here. She also thought that it may not be food allergy but an environmental one. He first got the rash just before Lael's birthday when pollen was high.

When he came in today I said "Hello my sweet Matty". He then pointed to himself and said "Matt". I said Matty, he said "no, Matt". I told Susan tonight that he wanted to water the plants in the garden (Wm. mom gave him a small watering can and he helps me water the plants every morning) I told him it was raining so we did not need to do it. He got the watering can and said "water" while he signed the word. Now he has never signed this word correctly, but it was close enough that we knew what he meant. I said what did you say? He said water again and then used the correct sign. Now did he know that all the time?

Matthew at the beach up at camp (near Old Forge)


Anonymous said...

What a sweet guy you married! Congrats on the upcoming anniversary!
Susan B