Saturday, November 24, 2007

Black Friday

The older I get the less I like shopping, even on nice days. I had not been out of Black Friday for at least 6 yr. It is just too crazy and people are pushing and shoving and downright rude. No, I am happy to wait it out at home in a nice warm bed where I can sleep in......who wants to get up in the middle of the night to be at the store by 4 am? Every year they seem to open earlier.....but 4am, come on now! No, I did not face the crowds at 4 am but I did go at 4 pm, after Wm. came home from work. I was not going to shop, just pick up my pictures from Target and get a card for the shower I have to go to this afternoon. To our surprise, the store was not that crowded. Wm. said it must be a lull between the early morning mob scene and the after dinner shoppers. Whatever it was, we ended up getting pj's for everyone (new pajamas on Christmas eve have always been a family tradition, one we have continued with our children's spouses and our grandchildren). Now our Raleigh family is finished and I have a start on the rest. I have never even started my shopping until after Josh's birthday. We did however bring his birthday gift with us when we went for Thanksgiving dinner. He wanted a turkey fryer. We did get one but his father wanted to be sure they had started cooking dinner before he brought Josh's gift in. No, we are not too sure about fried turkey! Yesterday morning, I made my Christmas lists, I am on a roll now!


sam said...

I never was a black Friday shopper but last year the oldest two and I went out around 5:00. This year my friend, my oldest daughter, and myself were up at 3:30 and out the door at 4:00. We were in WallyWorld about 4:45 and were standing by our product of choice when they said "Go for it!" at 5:00 a.m. It was unbelievable!! However, I didn't find most folks to be rude. Although the mob mentality took over, people were just pushing trying to reach in, the folks in front were nice enough to hand stuff back so everyone could get one. We stood in amazingly long lines at a certain fabric store but came out with unbelievable bargains and talked with all manner of folks. All in all, it was a fun day although I am not sure I will do it again next year!

PS. I got all the PJ's bought as well. :)

Anonymous said...

Ken had a WP friend home with him one weekend. John was from Texas and he boasted the merits of deep fat fried turkey. Ted thinks the fryer would be great, but I always nix it. What do you do with the gallons of oil afterwards?

connielafaver said...

I have never been a Black Friday shopper either and yes it is getting even crazier, as I watched News 10 the other day, Dave and I saw people who had actually been planted at the Mall since, yes , 1pm., I ask you is that nuts. In preparing for the shopping trip, these people had a tarp set up so they could hide out under it as so they wouldn't get so cold. I don't know, I guess my bed felt to good and well it just isn't worth it to me...
Hey lets keep in touch...

sam said...

By the way... Tell Josh to be sure the turkey fryer is FAR away from the house. Ours caught fire this past summer. Thankfully, it was far enough away not to do any damage. Our neighbor had one in the garage (bad idea) a few weeks later when the same thing happened to them. Thankfully they only had smoke damage to deal with. I just read another story about folks using one indoors and they lost a lot when theirs caught fire. We have never fried a turkey but use it for things like fried potatoes and such. Keeps the grease splatter out of the kitchen.)