Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Conversation in my kitchen this morning:
Matthew: Oh, no, just look at this mess!
Papa: What mess, what are you talking about Matt?
Matthew: Just look at this kitchen, what a mess, where is my broom?
By this time, I went into the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about. I had cut up some celery for Wm.'s lunch and there were a few leaves from the celery on the floor under the cabinet that pulls out for the trash. (honestly, I am talking about in the toe kick of the cabinet) I was expecting some horrid mess when I heard all the fuss he was making.

Later on this morning, he was "washing" dishes in the sink while I was getting his breakfast on the plate. I don't understand where this new fascination with washing the dishes came from but he is happy so I tend to let him go ahead and "wash" away. I did ask him to only use one side of the sink and to only "wash" the plastic dishes, so he won't get hurt. He is very good about leaving the china and glasses in the other side of the sink and only "washes" the plastic in the other side. This afternoon, when he got up early from his nap, I was still in my pj's but my clothes were laid out on the bed. So I made the decision to put him in the recliner watching Blue's Clues, while I got dressed. It was only about 30 seconds later when I heard his footsteps in the kitchen. I asked what he was doing and he shouted back "washing my dishes". By that time, I was dressed and hurried to the kitchen only to see him with many more dishes than were originally in the sink. I said "where did all those dishes come from?"
"Plastic dishes from the dishwasher, gramma" . (Insert a huge Matthew smile here) The dishes in the dishwasher were already clean!!!!!!