Thursday, April 19, 2007


I am beginning to feel a little better thanks to the antibiotics and cough syrup. The snow is gone for the most part and Matty is back. Yesterday we not only walked but also played outside in the driveway with some ride ons as the yard is way too wet to play in.

Matty got the Lego's out and made a fantastic tower, much taller than he is.
Check this out:
He had to stand on the futon to finish it up. He was very proud of his accomplishment and took Papa and Mommy to see it when they got here.
His eye teeth are finally through, top and bottom. I never saw any one's teeth pop through only to go back in like his did. I guess it is more common than I think as a few people have told us their children have experienced the same thing.
Hopefully we have seen the last of winter until next year.......I love the sunshine and warmer temps. I actually enjoy walking with Matty around the neighborhood. Shhh, let's not say that too loud or Wm. will have me out walking more than I want. He used to walk with Zoe all the he walks with Matty or even just walks. Yikes, exercise.


Amanda Wheeler said...

That is quite a tower. He's a cutie!

Are you back to your old self? I thankfully am! Have a great week!